The evening was fairly quiet with just a few boats in the distance. We are too far away from the normal shipping traffic lanes until we get closer to Lagos. Then we will need to cross essentially a shipping highway at a right angle - staying away from the massive tankers that ply the lanes enroute to Northern Europe or the Med. As we sighted land through the haze a few pods of dolphin arrived to body surf our bow wave which made it a wonderful way to arrive to the old (and our first) continent! We were glad to see land after 5 nights of sailing from the Azores. We needed to change plans as we were low on fuel and out of wind. We headed a few degrees North and were pleasantly surprised that we found a port with not only fuel, but lots of beautiful beaches, café-lined streets, and once again, more small Portuguese people. When we told Meghan that we were going to be stopping in Portugal and they spoke Portuguese, she said, “again?” |
Monday, June 7, 2004 LEFT LAGOS, PORTUGAL HEADING TO GIBRALTAR We loved Lagos so much, it was hard to leave. Trying to stay on track and get to the Eastern Med before the winds are against us, we left Lagos at 6 p.m. and motored (with only about 2 hours of sailing) to Gibraltar. |