Welcome to the Delphinus "Homeward Bound Northbound Atlantic Crossing" Web Site | ||||||||||
Where are they? | ||||||||||
Day "Who's Counting?": May/June, 2005 Delphinus Remains in Bermuda... Shocking update:
What's going on aboard the Delphinus? Outrage builds as calls demanding an
official inquiry
begin... Disturbing rumors that he hasn't been down below talking
with "Herb from Canada" all this time - Is it true that Captain Bill is ruthlessly executing a secret plan never to return to New England? Replacement Crew never makes it out of the harbor - or even to the boat! Replacement crew member #1, Rob Flynn, made it to Bermuda and even off the dock (for a 1/4 mile fuel trip), but he never actually made it out of St. Georges harbor!
We're guessing he enjoyed a few nice days in Bermuda, the wonderful hospitality of the Stone couple aboard the good ship Delphinus, as well as some dinners out and local sailor's refreshments... Furber (?) never even made it out of Philadelphia airport
St. Georges, Bermuda 986 miles from the departure port of
Puerto Marina De Ray |
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The Officers and Crew | ||||||||||
![]() Deb, Bill, Sarah, Anne-Seymour, Will |
Captain: Bill Stone![]() Captain Bill says "Got a question or comment?" Email us at: bill@delphinusstones.com |
Cook(s): Bill, Deb, Will, Sarah, Anne-Seymour (sorry, big bummer, no Pam...) |
Day One: May 16, 2005 |
Start Location: Off the East side
of Puerto Rico Start Lat/Lon: N 18.17, W 65.37 Day Plan: Depart WX: Rain Showers, Temp 70+ |
From an Email from Will Friend
Greetings. |
A 4:45 PM Update: Pouring rain at the moment and no wind. Just cleared the cucaracha passage and are now steaming (6.9 kts) northbound at rhumbline course of 345 degrees true.
Bill's presently going deaf listening to herb on the SSB... Deb and Sarah
are in the galley and Anne-Seymour's at the helm.
Another email (it seems Will's Crack-berry's still got a signal) Sarah's cooking us chicken stir fry for dinner and the locals must smelt the good home cookin' cause suddenly we were sailing with pod of about 25 dolphins!!
It's amazing how they just appear so suddenly and then disappear just as
quickly. |
Day Two: May 17, 2005 203 miles from the departure port of Puerto Marina De Ray |
What a day. While we have traveled through the occasional 10 mile rain squall (with minimal winds) we've also had time to lie on deck at mid-day in a haze of sun. We've also been through the most extraordinary sea - sailing through an ocean of deep turquoise blue with tinges of purple. We are now sailing in 20 knot of breeze on a close reach in the rain and it is still warm!!! We saw 25 or more dolphins off our bow yesterday after we left Puerto Rico - they were playing with us and giving us a fine show. Today Deb noticed the fishing rod spinning out of control and Willy reeled in a 35 pound, 52 inch (Deb measured it or it might have been longer!!) beautiful blue/yellow/green dorado (otherwise known as mahi-mahi or dolphin) fish that Captain Bill expertly filleted on the aft deck. Good dinner tonight!!
Day Three: May 18, 2005 456 miles from the departure port of Puerto Marina De Ray |
Double feature night aboard Delphinus while the squall beckons at the hatches and companionway. We're moving now!! Current speed between 8 - 9 knots with roller reefed mainsail and jenny. A little rocky but everyone is feeling fine and the chicken curry dinner settled well. Herb says lighter winds are predicted for tomorrow - hopefully we'll see some sunshine too as these Northerners are pasty white. Signing off from Delphinus. |
Day Four: May 19, 2005 638 miles from the departure port of Puerto Marina De Ray |
Hi everyone: Lat: 27 31 38 Long: 66 21 50 Thursday 5:30 pm skies clear and sunny wind 20 knots Well those Northerners had a taste of sunshine today (the first since leaving the north shore!!). A well needed and deserved break from last night which gave us a bit of a rock and a roll. Winds were howling last night up to 50 knots with 15 foot seas and lots of rain. Fortunately the winds stayed east, southeast so we were able to continue our reach northward. We all stayed below for our watches and stared at radar instead of sitting above on the nice wet cushions. Delphinus did well through it all and the crew muddled through. Ear patches really do help!! We all enjoyed a double-feature movie night; while eating tasty curried chicken we watched "Bridget Jones" and "Love Actually". The Lido Deck (aft) was well-used today, with warm dry navy cushions, good books and naps, it was a pleasure to be outside.
We attracted the attention of a pair of Bermuda Long Tails (birds that spend their time far out a sea) as well as landing our first flying fish (all of 3"). The ocean water continues to be tropically warm, though its color has changed ever so slightly from the deep blue almost purple of the northern Caribbean to a more gray blue: a signal of our move into the open Atlantic. As we make our way north and keep a weather eye out for what lies ahead, we also keep Bermuda in our sights (about 350 miles north, north-east of our current position (2 days)). Depending on weather developments northwest of the island over the next 3 days, Georgetown Harbor would be an easy lay day (fuel, water, and yes dark and stormies) while we wait out the best weather window.
We continue to tune into Herb (our weatherman from Canada) on the single
side band radio every evening at 5:00 to get the most up to date forecasts
for several days out. |
Day Five: May 20, 2005 824 miles from the departure port of
Puerto Marina De Ray |
Mid-day update from Bill Quiet day with winds 20ish from the E - hoping for a turn to the SE or S so that we can sail into Bermuda. Am looking forward to hearing from Herb today as he has said there is a
Tropical Storm advisory from the Caribbean and a big Low (that you've seen)
from our NW. Evening Update from Cpt. Bill and the Crew
Latitude: 30 15 20
Day Six: May 20, 2005 St. Georges, Bermuda 986 miles from the departure port of
Puerto Marina De Ray |
6 PM Quick Update - I just got a call from Sarah - poor cell phone connection so I couldn't hear much, but the crew of Delphinus is safe and happy in Bermuda! I think I heard they plan to remain in Bermuda for a few days to let some weather pass, but I'm not sure... I also think I heard something about "dark" and "stormy", but I'm not sure if they were referring to the voyage or plans for the evening! More when I get an update... - Michael
Day Seven/Eight: May 22, 2005 St. Georges, Bermuda 986 miles from the departure port of
Puerto Marina De Ray |
Can you say "weather hold"?
Just like at the airport when you're trying to get somewhere and weather doesn't cooperate, the crew of Delphinus finds itself on the "other side" of the Gulf Stream with some "spunky" weather now and for the next few days. With "safety first" in mind they're on weather hold until they find a window to head out from their safe harbor and on to New England (rumor has it their next port is likely to be Newport, RI). Nothing firm right now, but they may have to remain for several days until the fronts and low pressure systems clear, perhaps pushing their departure from Bermuda to mid-week... Stay tuned... |
Day Ten: May 24, 2005 St. Georges, Bermuda 986 miles from the departure port of
Puerto Marina De Ray |
Mutiny! Crew Abandon's Ship
The otherwise steady crew of the Delphinus, now confirmed scoundrels and rogues all:
have thrown in the sailing-adventure towel, given into the weather gods, and departed Bermuda on a USA3000.com airplane flight back to New England (ever heard of USA3000 Airline?), leaving the good ship Delphinus unable to depart for fair waters... Capt. Bill and Commander Deb remain aboard, and are actively recruiting crew for the final leg from Bermuda to Newport, RI. Forecasts look like a Friday departure is possible, making a triumphant return of Delphinus to the cold New England waters sometime on Monday.
Slide Show Test |